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Just for Parents

Page history last edited by Lydia Schultz 5 years, 5 months ago

On this page I will post links to information you may find interesting or useful as you navigate the world of books and the internet with your children.

This site generally provides a nice selection of books to consider when you visit public libraries.  This link will take you to a collection of children's books about the civil rights movement .


This site helps parents navigate the many things on the internet and in the media and evaluates them for children.  Click https://www.commonsensemedia.org/guide/essential-school-tools to learn about apps, games, and so on by grade level.

This video with Christine Carter and Kelly Corrigan discusses "How to Praise Children."


This video by Christine Carter give advice on how to raise kind kids.


Ask children which problems they want to solve and “Stop Asking Kids What They Want to Be When They Grow Up”.


Read an article about how social connections help children learn in an article by David Brooks for the NYTimes.


Helping children learn how to share is Malia Wollan's goal in "How to Get Preschoolers to Share.," at https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/03/magazine/how-to-get-preschoolers-to-share.html


Science columnist Jane Brody explores how to foster empathy in children.


Really? We want our children to feel guilt sometimes?  NY Times author Peri Klass explains why in her article, "A Healthy Dose of Guilt."


We all want our children to be creative, but how can we encourage it?  This article by Adam Grant gives some suggestions.


Why should children do chores?  This article by KJ Dell’Antonia, "Happy Children Do Chores," provides some answers.


recent article explores how and why it is so important that parents read to their children.  It helps in so many ways, and scientists are beginning to be able to explain why the night-time ritual of a bedtime story contributes to your child's growth and learning.

How can you help your child learn to navigate the internet and all that is out there?  This link for "Media and Digital Literacy: Resources for Parents" can provide you with many ideas and suggestions as your child grows.


Raising Overcomers helps us remember our job as parents -- to raise children who can take risks, fail, and learn to persist and follow through.

8 Tips from Kindergarten Teachers gives you some insight into how to help your child work on skills that will make school (and life!) go more smoothly.


This article provides good advice on how to help your child follow directions.


This article explains how nature makes kids calmer, healthier, and smarter.   It also provides some helpful suggestions for how to enjoy that time outside.

This article, entitled "Why are our children so bored at school, cannot wait, get easily frustrated and have no real friends?", explores what steps we as adults need to take to help our children grow to be engaged, patient, and friendly.

How can you help your child learn to develop the independence that is needed?  Here is some advice on "Avoiding 'Learned Helplessness'."


We've all had trouble with the answers we get to "How was school today?", but this article by Elena Aguilar gives us some new questions to ask.


Washington Post

This article by Karen Weese, entitled "How to Raise Kinder, Less Entitled Kids (according to Science)," explores what we as adults can do to help children become empathetic people.


Preschool Media Literacy

Professor Rebecca Hains gives some suggestions on how to talk about media with your children.  




Shalom Sesame has made available a number of fun Jewish and Israel-oriented videos online.  You can access them by clicking on this link -- Shalom Sesame .



An interesting article that you might enjoy -- "How to Raise Brilliant Children, According to Science"


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